Club Policy and Safeguarding

Safeguarding policies have been in place for a number of years, and have been revised in 2021 so that the club are fully in line with Table Tennis England Safeguarding Guidance as set out in further detail below. Generation 2 Table Tennis Club aims to create an atmosphere where children, young people and vulnerable persons feel valued and safe and a place where their welfare is promoted.  

Generation 2 Table Tennis Club fully adopts and promotes the Safeguarding Policy of Table Tennis England; we will be rigorous and vigilant in protecting all members of the club from abuse, bullying and intimidation. We will do this through promotion of good practice and providing guidance to volunteers, coaches and members. All stakeholders are made aware of our compliance and duties under the Table Tennis England Child Protection Policy and related policies and their duty in relation to these.  

The club ensures that ALL members (where applicable), coaches and volunteers are familiar with the following: 

Coaching Staff 

Generation 2 only use licensed coaches and ensure full DBS checks have been carried out for all relevant club officials. Full guidance here

Information for players, parents and coaches 

 Please ensure your children are safely dropped at the club during the appropriate session times (not before) and collected afterwards by a known adult.  

Please be aware of photography guidelines and that any photography at the club is strictly with consent of all parties involved including the person in charge of the session and parents of any minors to appear in photography or any other media.  

Please encourage young players when in competition but at no time will excessive pressure or inappropriate language be tolerated at the club. 

Full guidance for parents is available here 

New and prospective players are welcome to attend the club at any time, however communication is welcome in advance and if this is not possible, please approach the person in charge of the session directly. Unknown persons within the club practice area will be approached and welcomed to the club / directed to the lead coach as a matter of procedure.  

 Welfare Officer (Concerns and Reporting) / Temporary Covind 19 Officer

If any member of the club, general public or other stakeholder has any concerns to raise, no matter how small these may appear, you can contact the Welfare Officer, Rob Lewis (

If you are concerned about neglect, abuse or any other miss treatment of children or adults associated with Generation 2 Table Tennis club these reporting your concerns is very important in maintaining the safety and wellbeing of club members. 

Equality and Diversity

Generation 2 Table Tennis Club act in accordance with, and strongly support, England Table Tennis in their Equality and Diversity Action Plan.